The General Consulate of Japan in Belem is located under the following address: Av. Magalhaes Barata, 651 Edif. Belem Officecontinue reading
Embassies Archives
General Consulate of Japan in Manaus
Contact the General Consulate using the following number 092-232-2000,234-2521 or try going to the institution yourself at Rua Ferreira Pena,continue reading
General Consulate of Japan in San Paolo
The General Consulate of Japan in San Paolo is located under the following address: Av. Paulista 854, 3’andar 01310-913-SAO PAULO-SP.continue reading
Consulate General of Japan in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Consulate of Japan in Rio de Janeiro is located under the following address: Praia do Flamengo, 200 – 10continue reading
Embassy of Japan in Brasilia, Brazil
You can get in contact with the institution calling the following number 061-242-6855,6912 or visit the Embassy at SES, quadracontinue reading
Embassy of Japan in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
You can get in contact with the institution calling the following number +387-33-277-500 or visit the Embassy at Bistrik 9,continue reading
Consular Office in Santa-Cruz, Bolivia
Call this number 3351 268,3331 329 or go to this location Calle Saavedra No. 314, Esquina Cochabamba, Bolivia (Casilla No.continue reading
Embassy of Japan in La Paz, Bolivia
Contact the Embassy using the following number +591-2-241-9110,1,2 or try going to the institution yourself at Calle Rosendo Gutierrez No.497continue reading
Embassy of Japan in Brussels, Belgium
Call this number 32-(0)2-513-2340 or go to this location Square de Meeus / De Meeussquare 5-6, 1000 to get incontinue reading
Embassy of Japan in Belarus
You can contact the selected Embassy via phone calling the following number +375-17-2036233,4481 or visit the institution physically here Pr.continue reading